Any form of serious illness that represents a threat to life. These include cancer, genetic conditions, heart problems, complex surgery, uncontrolled epilepsy or muscular dystrophy.
Any form of serious illness or condition that has a significant impact on quality of life for the child and family. This includes serious muscular and skeletal conditions, neurofibromatosis, Type 1 Diabetes, severe Crohn’s disease and colitis.
Camp Simcha’s pilot Mental Health project launched in February 2020 after nine months of consultation and advice from experts in the field. The project’s pilot will support a number of families who have a child with a serious mental health condition, one which has led to an extended period of school absence or hospitalisation. Camp Simcha will be working with its partners in Mental Healthcare pastoral support services in the Jewish community, so there will be no duplication of services.
Babies who are born very prematurely or with a serious illness and need extra care.
If you know a family who needs our support simply call 020 8202 9297 or email in complete confidence.