conditions we support

We support over 50 different conditions with some examples listed below

These are general categories of conditions, not an extensive list. Please do get in touch to find out if we can help you.

Benign tumours
Bone disease
Brain conditions with trachy
Connective tissue diagnosis
Cystic fibrosis
Degenerative brain conditions
Disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract
Disorders of the immune system
Disorders of the lymphatic system
Eating disorders
Familial dysautonomia
Heart conditions
Kidney disease
Mental health conditions 
Metabolic disorders
Muscle disorders
Neurological conditions
Premature babies
Rare genetic conditions
Respiratory disorders
Serious surgery
Severe acute conditions
Undiagnosed conditions

This is not an extensive list. Please do get in touch to find out if we can help you.

My son’s body was riddled with Crohn’s disease. He missed so much school and was in so much pain. To call it a misery was an understatement. When Camp Simcha told us that they could help, the relief was almost overwhelming.

A Camp Simcha parent


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