Supporting Families Across the Community

Our vision is that no Jewish family, anywhere in the UK, with a child affected by serious illness should have to suffer without our support. Our mission is to provide bespoke, unconditional, practical and emotional support to Jewish families where there is serious childhood illness. We bring hope and joy by providing powerful, positive experiences.
  • +1700
    Family members receive our support each year
  • £3.2m
    Annually we need to raise c£3.2million to provide all our essential services
  • 50+
    The number of different conditions we support
  • 13,810
    Hours of family liaison officer support

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    How we use your information

    From time to time, we may contact you by email, phone and post to keep you updated on our work and ways you can support us. You can change the way you hear from us at any time by emailing us at or calling us on 020 8202 9297. To help us to work more efficiently, we may analyse your information to make sure you receive the most relevant communications. This may include using publicly available information. You can ask us to stop this at any time, by contacting us using the above details. You can read more about how we use your information in our privacy policy.